We believe recruiting is much more than posting an ad and hoping the right person applies. You have to go out and find the top performers and present an opportunity in a way that piques their interest in wanting to learn more.
The other side of recruiting involves getting to know who the best people are and helping them determine the best “next step” in their career by helping them find the right company and team to help them succeed. That takes listening and creating a solid profile of their needs and wants.
We also take the time to get to know our clients through a thorough diagnostic meeting to understand the critical needs for your position and create a profile of an ideal candidate to use as a screening guide to narrow the field down to the top 3-5 for you to review.
By approaching both sides in this manner we are able to create great matches for both the individuals and the clients we are working with. It is so much more than simply “putting butts in seats”.